
ADICONTROL® Expert Technology


Expert control and support system for Industry 4.0

ADICONTROL® is a technology of ADIQUÍMICA. It is an expert control and support system that is specifically designed for Industry 4.0, with the aim of increasing efficiency, productivity, and profitability in companies.


Monitoring, analysis and optimisation of treatments

At Adiquímica we guarantee the effectiveness of our treatments and offer a service that is fully adapted to the needs of your company thanks to the implementation of our control and monitoring equipment and software.

These tools have been devised and developed by the Adiquímica team and have been constantly innovated over the last 40 years, with the aim of maximising their effectiveness.

Globally monitor all your water treatment facilities.

Analyse the evolution of measured parameters over time and predict trends.

Intervene before a problem occurs and take immediate action.

Optimise treatment by applying the exact dosage of product you need, saving on costs and extending the life of your installations.



ADICONTROL® helps our clients to be more sustainable
and efficient in their operations,
while protecting the environment.

Resource saving

save water and economic resources in your company

Greater control

monitor efficiently and completely the industrial water treatment.

Maximum efficiency

feel confident that each treatment works with maximum efficiency and reliability.


meet sustainability goals by reducing the consumption of water, energy, and CO2 emissions.

Product savings

reduce the consumption of chemical products used in the treatments.


Benefits of ADICONTROL®

ADICONTROL® technology is unique and custom designed for the needs of each installation.

It is linked to a web server that continuously monitors and logs all process variables.


Adicontrol technology monitors the installation to maximise the lifetime and reduce the operating cost of your industrial processes.


Your installation is permanently monitored by our experts who will be able to visualize online and in real time the operation of the equipment.


Allows connection with existing equipment in the plant and between the different Adicontrol units. 24/7 access to data all year round.


Real-time measurement and its advanced warning and alarm system enable accurate decisions or preventive actions to be taken.

Equipment capable of controlling and managing the main operating parameters of water circuits in real time. Its modular composition allows it to provide a solution to all water treatment needs.


Promotes savings by minimising the use of resources, water, energy and additives. Helping you achieve your sustainability goals.


Improving water quality since 1983

Since 1983 we have been working with the aim of improving the quality of our customers’ water by manufacturing products that guarantee the best water treatment in any installation.

Our R&D and Inovation Department is constantly improving our processes in order to offer the most effective treatments for each case.


The most relevant news in the sector

Stay up to date on industry news and new regulations that may affect your company


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