
Water treatment
in closed circuits


Water treatment in closed circuits

At Adiquímica we adapt to the needs and complexity of the closed circuits of industrial plants. We offer a range of products specialized in maintenance, chemical cleaning, passivation and biocide agents, to ensure that the circuits are always in optimal working conditions.


Specific products for optimal performance of closed circuits

We have developed a specific range of products for water treatment in closed circuits, including cogeneration engines, which take into account:

Type of metals

The type of metals used in the construction of the water circuits.

Quality requirements

The water quality requirements demanded by the different manufacturers.

Our formulated products contain highly effective anticorrosive active ingredients for different types of metallurgy, as well as biocides that guarantee the absence of microorganisms that can lead to the development of corrosion phenomena.


We offer specialized solutions for each industry

Taking into account the needs of each industry, we offer adapted water treatments and specialized products that will guarantee optimal operation of the facilities:


We guarantee optimum water quality in every process of the food industry.


We offer solutions to manage the complete water cycle in the chemical industry.


We meet the demanding production standards of the automotive industry.


Analysis, equipment and services for water-steam cycle operation in the power industry


We ensure water quality throughout the entire pharmaceutical production process.

We have a high level of expertise in water treatment in the plastics industry.


Comprehensive service in refrigeration circuits, closed circuits and control in the prevention of Legionellosis.

Precise Dosage

Rigorous and precise control of the dosage of the implemented treatments

We provide you with expert software for monitoring the quality of the water in your circuits and equipment for dosing products in cogeneration engines, in order to control the most representative parameters of the circuits. When using our software and dosing equipment:

keep the materials of the circuit in optimal conditions of conservation

maximize operating performance


Measurement and control equipment in water treatment

We work with equipment designed and developed by our R+D+i department.

Dosing pumps

For the implementation of any chemical treatment, it is necessary to have dosing pumps that are built based on the type of fluid to be treated and the operating parameters, such as flow and back pressure.

These pumps can be governed by equipment from the Adiconline and Adicontrol range, which allows their integration into the control laws defined for the implementation of treatments.

Team control, management and expert supervision of the implementation of a chemical treatment in a given facility. It allows connection with local controllers of the main operating parameters of a circuit and their integration in a management module governed by the ADIC application, which acts as a treatment supervisory system, generating trend graphs, calculating deviations and key process indicators (KPIs). This allows corrective action to be taken to redirect treatment if necessary.

Adiconline FQ

Complete solution for the measurement, control and recording of the main operational parameters in closed circuits. The equipment is customizable according to the needs and characteristics of each specific case, and can optionally integrate a data acquisition module (Adicontrol Web) for remote consultation of the installation status via the Internet and in real time.


Adic-ionic is a powerful software developed by our R+D+ department, which describes the chemical and ionic balances in a certain type of water with an expert system that gathers the experience of more than 40 years in the company in water treatment. The objectives of this application are

  • Recommend the most suitable product and dose to inhibit the formation of incrustations of poorly soluble salts in industrial refrigeration circuits
  • Control corrosion phenomena in water circulation lines.
  • Prevent the development of microbial populations in risk areas.


Working with us is quality and safety assurance

We demonstrate our commitment to quality and safety through the following

Quality management


Safety and health at workplace

Information security


Other services that may interest you

Discover our additional services that might interest you. At Adiquímica, we are not only leaders in
industrial water treatment, but we also offer a wide range of strong, complementary solutions
to cover all your needs


Monitoring and control | ADICONTROL

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Treatment of cooling circuits

Lorem fistrum por la gloria de mi madre esse jarl aliqua llevame al sircoo.


Treatment of steam boilers

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The most relevant news in the sector

Stay up to date on industry news and new regulations that may affect your company

The EDS (European Desalination Society) Congress was held in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria from 20th to 23rd June.
July 7, 2022


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