Adiquimica obtained the ISO 27001 Certification, INFORMATION SECURITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM, by Adiquimica

We are pleased to announce that ADIQUIMICA has just obtained the ISO 27001 certification in Information Security.

Information and data are one of the main assets of organisations. The protection of their security and privacy is a fundamental task to ensure the correct development of the business, transferring confidence to customers and users.

The higher the value of the information and its privacy, the higher the risks associated with its loss, damage, misuse or malicious manipulation as a result of a security/privacy breach.

Information Security Management Systems (ISMS) are the most effective means of minimising risk by ensuring that business processes and/or services, their assets and risks are identified and assessed, considering the impact to the organisation, and the most effective controls and procedures consistent with the business strategy are adopted, considering continuous improvement.

And going into the recently obtained certification in particular, ISO 27001 is an international standard that establishes the requirements for the implementation, maintenance and continual improvement of an Information Security Management System (ISMS). This system is used to protect the confidentiality, integrity and availability of information within an organisation. It provides a framework for identifying, analysing and managing information security risks in a systematic and continuous manner.

The main objectives of Adiquimica in obtaining this certification have been:

  • Reducing the likelihood and impact of information security incidents; giving the company greater peace of mind and confidence in the protection of its data.
  • But also to give confidence to customers and suppliers. This will result in an improvement of Adiquimica’s competitiveness, since more and more customers will value the fact that their suppliers have the ISO 27001 certification
To this end, policies and procedures have been established to protect the confidentiality, integrity and availability of information and adequate security controls have been implemented to mitigate identified risks, as well as systems for regular evaluation and continuous improvement.