
Control equipment and software


Control equipment and software

To guarantee the effectiveness of our treatments and to offer you a service that is fully adapted to the needs of your company, we offer support and advice based on our expert software and control and monitoring equipment.

These tools have been developed and continuously innovated for more than 40 years, so that you can:

  • To globally and effectively supervise all your water treatment facilities.
  • Analyse the evolution of measured parameters over time and predict trends.
  • Intervene before a problem occurs and take immediate action.
  • Optimise treatment by applying the exact dosage of product you need, saving on costs and extending the life of your installations.

Pre-treatment for facility care

Each industrial plant is unique and therefore requires customised pre-treatment equipment. We supply and install softening equipment, activated carbon filters, exchange resins and all types of filters for the correct elimination of solids in water. Contact us for the choice of your industrial equipment or for a turnkey project.

Maximum water production

From our R+D+i department we design osmosis, ultra and nanofiltration plants according to the quality and production needs of each client.

Monitoring and control: Adicontrol ® Expert Technology

Whether to optimise the performance of facilities and analyse their KPIs, comply with current legislation or improve water quality control, Adiquimica has measurement and control equipment. Discover our Adicontrol and Adiconline equipment ranges.

Adicontrol® is a system for the control, management and supervision of the implementation of chemical treatments, whose objective is to increase efficiency, productivity and profitability in companies.

Reliable control of industrial water treatment

Water, energy and cost optimisation

Customisable solution

24/365 connectivity with configurable reports and alarms

Expert supervisory team support


This equipment allows connection to local controllers to monitor the main operating parameters in refrigeration or steam generation circuits.

Adiconline web

It is a comprehensive solution for the measurement, control and recording of the main operational parameters in closed circuits, industrial cooling circuits, drinking water and industrial water circuits. It is customisable and adaptable to the needs of each treatment and company.

Specialised water treatment softwares

In addition to a wide range of equipment, Adiquímica has also developed measurement and control software tools.


Powerful software tool, developed by our RDI team, which describes the chemical and ionic equilibria and simulates the behaviour of a certain type of water in industrial cooling systems

allowing: Recommend the most suitable product and dosage to inhibit the formation of poorly soluble salt scale in industrial refrigeration circuits.Control corrosion phenomena in water circulation lines. Prevent the development of microbial populations in risk areas.


Scientific software tool that provides highly accurate prediction of scale formation and calculates the appropriate anti-scalant dosage in reverse osmosis systems.

With this software, it is possible to simulate and calculate the ionic species in RO installations and to determine the minimum inhibitor dosage necessary to keep oversaturation and fouling limits under control.


Simulation system for chemical cleaning in reverse osmosis plants, which makes it possible to draw up personalised cleaning protocols for each installation, for more efficient and effective cleaning of the membranes.

With Adiclean, different fouling scenarios can be simulated and the most appropriate cleaning protocol can be determined for each case, reducing cleaning time and cost and increasing the lifetime of the membranes.


A set of software tools designed for the monitoring and control of the main operating parameters of an installation. It offers graphical tools to analyse the evolution of the measured parameters, predict trends and suggest corrective actions based on the results of the analysis.


Tool for recording and visualising periodic maintenance and supervision operations for all types of industrial plants. It offers graphic tools to analyse the evolution of the checked points, highlight deviations, predict trends and suggest corrective actions.


The most relevant news in the sector

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